Web Maps without Coding
Find this presentation at: tdahlberg.github.io/qgis2leafworkshop
What happens when you run out of space?
What happens when you run out of money?
What happens when you want more customization?
Go open source!
Geographic data analysis +
Web mapping +
Free and unlimited* hosting =
QGIS + Leaflet + GitHub
What the heck is QGIS?
Open source desktop GIS platform for Win / OSX / Linux
Use it to wrangle and analyze geo data
What the heck is Leaflet?
Javascript library for interactive maps
What the heck is Github?
Code collaboration and easy web hosting.
Let's make a webmap!
Bring data into QGIS
Export webmaps with QGIS Plugins
Upload and host with Github
Download and install QGIS for your OS
Get some data:
Philadelphia Neighborhoods shape file
Big Belly Trash Cans
Open the index.html folder in your export location
Time to share!
Go to Github and start a new repository
Drag and Drop files!
Refresh your repository page. Add a new branch called gh-pages
Go to your repository settings and make gh-pages the default branch
Visit username.github.io/projectname to see it live!
Working example: tdahlberg.github.io/qgis2leafnice
We just made an open-source webmap and hosted it for free
Find this presentation at: tdahlberg.github.io/qgis2leafworkshop